Demand Generation vs. Inbound Marketing

I wouldn’t recommend reading this if you are gullible and ignorant. This does, I fear reflect many in marketing and is holding back their companies from a higher level of success.

Here is the part I have a major gripe with, “The central idea of outbound marketing is for salespeople to initiate conversation with leads. Outbound has a less targeted or strategic approach than inbound marketing. It is more about pushing your message out to as many people as possible and hoping it resonates with them rather than focusing on the type of customers that would be a good fit for your company, or, as we call them in inbound marketing, buyer personas. Outbound marketing could include a variety of marketing tactics such as trade shows, email blasts or cold calling. Imagine having your business development representatives (BDRs) smiling and dialing with their list of 1,000 contacts and hoping that if you cast your net wide enough, maybe you'll catch a couple of fish. This spray and pray approach may seem a little random, but can work for some companies.”

This was written by someone with no clue and shouldn’t talk about something they know nothing about. Inbound is like a billboard on the side of the road, outbound marketing (which he describes sales) is finding the buyer, sitting down with them and selling. Which is more targeted and strategic? This is not only bad writing but irresponsible to the reader. Calling the exact person you need to sell to is what still drives at least 70% of all major enterprise sales.

Maybe I’m confused and he is talking about selling paper towels or tires for your personal Toyota and not real sales. Most likely he has no clue what he is talking about.

I am profoundly disappointed and disturbed by this reckless trash and calling it writing. One more example, one that we help overcome everyday. A product is unknown by the majority of the market and are happy with their current solution, how the hell are you going to get them to search for your product? The will never search and never buy. Read a book, start with Geoffrey Moore’s Crossing the Chasm (most likely written before the author was born) and consider those prospects on the other side of the chasm.